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Regional climate

Climate and air are essential environmental factors. The preservation of these two protected assets is of great importance for human health and regenerative capacity as well as for the protection of ecosystems. Sustainability can only be achieved with preventive protection of these resources.

As a concretisation of this precautionary task, the Spatial Planning Act contains, among other things, the principle of safeguarding the open spaces in their function for the climate (§2 ROG). In order to be able to implement the climatic safeguarding goal as appropriately and effectively as possible in the weighing up with other space requirements, in-depth and updated climate ecological knowledge is required. Expert reports at regional level can be used to work out the climate functions of areas as a technical basis for state and regional planning.

The climatically important ventilation conditions that emanate from such open spaces primarily concern the generation of fresh air and the local cold air situation. To calculate cold air flows and accumulations in orographically structured terrain, we use the 2-dimensional, mathematical-physical simulation model KLAM_21 of the German Weather Service. The result is the areal distribution of the cold air height and its mean flow velocity or the volume flows at arbitrarily accessible simulation times.